Defeat: surrender, breakdown, collapse, fall apart, brittle, friable, cranky, easily upset, irritable, moody, weakness, failure, powerless, pushover, gull, victim, martyr, easy target, losing it
Fear: apprehension, withdrawal, anxiety, angst, stress, PTSD, panic, survival instincts, danger, threat, yelling, uproar, tearing apart, fight-or-flight, freeze, paralysis
Grief: frustration, holding a grudge, sorrow, despair, darkness, repressed anger or hostility, distress, injury, pain, hurting, broken, trauma, suffering
For Example
Movie Clips & Videos:

It's not your fault – Good Will Hunting

A short film to the music On The Nature of Daylight

The Two Fridas

"... the child in the adult is the source of suffering; it is that which suffers because with the grown-up part of oneself one can take life as it is and therefore one does not suffer so much... But in childhood there are such terrific tragedies, which shows that the child within is the genuine part, and the genuine part is that thing which suffers, that thing which cannot take reality, or which still reacts in the grown-up person like a child...
So one could say that what is genuine in a person and what is naive like a child in them is the source of suffering. Many grown-ups split off this part and thereby miss individuation, for only if one accepts it and the suffering it imposes on one, can the process of individuation go on."
– Marie-Louise Von Franz, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus

"Jung says that the fiery lion – a passionate emotion – is a preliminary stage to the realization of the unconscious contents. So it is absolutely necessary to brave the lion, that is, to overcome one's emotions before one can enter the unconscious, or eternity."
"Standing the fire of the emotions is the one thing that gets one near to the fire of the psychological Self. Some people, of course, have a strong moral sense and then the fire means accepting the shadow." [see the Judge]
– Barbara Hannah, The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals
Je Suis Parti (Jean Leloup),
​​​​​​​L'Exil – L'heptade (Harmonium),
​​​​​​​The Lion's Roar (First Aid Kit)

The Lion's Roar – First Aid Kit

And The Flip Side Is

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