Difference: differences, exoticism, standing out from the crowd, being singled out, originality, one of a kind, unrelated, distance from one another, intolerance, intrusion, being a stranger to oneself

Marginality: outsider, weirdo, not fitting in, orphan, being or feeling out of place, being closed off, recluse, alone, alienation or rejection, exile

Independence: following a different path, individuality, individuation, finding one's voice, not asking for help, solitude, being single, hiding in a shell
Movie Clips and Videos:

Seeing things differently - Dead Poets Society

Strange guests - Easy Rider

Captain Fantastic

Persona & Personhood: H.C. Anderson, 51:00 (This Jungian Life),
Not What They Seem (The Moth Radio Hour), 
For Who the Cowbell Tolls (Radiolab), 
The Cruelty of Children, Nowhere Man

Switched At Birth ​​​​​​(This American Life)

"People at that age [16-20 years old] often have that strange kind of melancholy sadness, and they feel like old people. They have an expression on their faces as if they knew all about life and felt very, very old, so what would be the use of playing about with the others , of dancing with girls or with boys. They retire into a kind of grandfatherly and grandmotherly attitude toward life. This is only a symptom and simply means they have not found the clue to the water of life, where they could find an issue for themselves, so they drift on in this way.
At that age it is technically difficult for people who are a bit different from others to find out what would be their possibilities in life, and then life gets dammed up. "
– Marie-Louise Von Franz, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus, p.67

Literature: The Ugly Duckling (full story),
The Heron (Jean de La Fontaine)
“Can you lay eggs?” “No.” “Then have the goodness to hold your tongue.” “Can you raise your back, or purr, or throw out sparks?” “No.” “Then you have no right to express an opinion when sensible people are speaking.” So the duckling sat in a corner, feeling very low spirited. 
“You don’t understand me,” said the duckling.
“We don’t understand you? Who can understand you, I wonder? Are you not in a warm room, and in society from which you may learn something. I may tell you unpleasant truths, but that is a proof of my friendship. I advise you, therefore, to lay eggs, and learn to purr as quickly as possible.”
“I believe I must go out into the world again,” said the duckling.

Take Courage (Andrew Bird)​​​​​​​

Take Courage – Andrew Bird

Tarot:  The Hermit
Mythology: Diogenes
Alchemy: Knight of the Double Fountain (Splendor Solis)
And the Flip Side Is

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