Subjectivity: inner experience, personal point of view or feelings, self-consciousness, specific context, finding one's own voice, interpretation, taking things personally, being blind to other realities

Insight: higher awareness, intuition, seeing the future, clairvoyance,  breakthrough, insights and realization, mental image, imagination 
Communication: mutual influence, trans-personal, on the same wavelength with others, concepts coming together, healing, messages, storytelling, rumors, slip of the tongue
Movie Clips & Videos:

How do I know if I'm dreaming – The Congress

Life is a state of mind – Being There

Louise sees future – Arrival

Human Error2001: A Space Odyssey 
Facing The Fear Of Existence – Arrival,  
My Stroke of Insight – Jill Bolte Taylor
"In the woman's meditation the Self appeared as a deer, which said to the ego: I am your child and your mother. They call me the 'connecting animal' because I connect people, animals, and even stones with one another if I enter them. I am your fate or the 'objective I.' When I appear, I redeem you from the meaningless hazards of life. The fire burning inside me burns in the whole of nature. If a man loses it, he becomes egocentric, lonely, disoriented, and weak."
– M.-L. von Franz, Man and His Symbols, p.220 ​​​​​​​

"It is high time we realized that it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it. It is much more needful to teach people the art of seeing."
– C.G. Jung, C.W. Vol. 12: Psychology and Alchemy

"It is important to have a secret, a premonition of things unknown. It fills life with something special, a numinosum. A man who has never experienced that has missed something important. He must sense that he lives in a world which in some respects is mysterious; that things happens and can be experienced which remain inexplicable; that not everything which happens can be anticipated. The unexpected and the incredible belong in this world. Only then life is whole." 
– C.G. Jung
Black Star (David Bowie)

Black Star - David Bowie

Tarot: Judgement
Mythology: ​​​​​​​ Artemis, Veil of Isis
Alchemy: The Red King (Splendor Solis)
And The Flip Side Is

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